Luxury Pianos

...your lifestyle, your choice.

Not all pianos are the same....

A piano in your home makes a statement, whether or not you can play it.
It is a focal point, a source of entertainment, a beautiful piece of furniture, the finishing touch in your design scheme.
The sound of a real piano being played can sooth you, inspire you, uplift you or move you to tears.

Today, the top piano manufacturers can custom make pianos to suit your home - in a style and finish that reflects your individual personal taste.

...a beautiful ivory grand piano in your conservatory...
...a fabulous silver piano in your loft apartment...
...a magnificent concert grand in your living room...
...a fully restored antique grand piano in your ultra-modern home...

And if you can't play yourself, innovative self-play systems can play for you!
No matter what your style, taste, ability or investment, there is a piano just for you.

Find your dream piano here on Luxury Pianos:


Van Hage Show Piano:

Call Us On 01702 301409


Luxury Pianos Luxury Pianos - A Division of Piano Pavilion (Brentwood) Limited.

©2011Piano Pavilion (Brentwood) Limited